The great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness no one rejects dislikes avoids pleasure itself because it is pleasure but because know who do not those how to pursue pleasures rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful desires to obtain.
Read More Our Services

Soybean Seed Production
- Production of Breeders and Foundation seed
- Inspection of seed multiplication fields
- Cleaning and Packing seed
- Marketing of soybean seed (breeders and foundation seed)

Soybean Processing
- Production of pure Soya flour
- Processing Value added products like Bread
- Soybean milk
- And many more

Social Corporate Responsibilities
- Support breeding of soybean varieties in Uganda,
- Facilitate students conducting soybean research and internship

Extension and Outreach
- Training of farmer groups and private companies
- Training of Local Seed Businesses

Agricultural Consultancy
- Agronomy of Soybean
- Commercial Farming
- Agro processing and value addition
- Seed Production
- Post-harvest handling

Soybean Linkages and Networking
- Marketing of soybean seed in and out of Uganda
- Linking producers, buyers and processors
- Data and Information Sharing
- And many more